In this example, we explain how to create a solid by extruding a cross-sectional shape along the curve. Following shapes can be created by this method.
Start FreeCAD and create new document.
Select Sketcher workbench.
First we create a curve. This curve is used as pathway of extruding.
Create new sketch plane on XY-plane.
Select polyline and draw sketch as follow. In polyline mode, you can draw arc with keybord M key. And exit polyline mode with mouse right click.
Match the endpoints of the sketch to the sketch plane origin with point-on-point constraint. After that, click at Tasks tab in Combo View to exit sketch editing mode.
Next we create cross-sectional shape to be extruded.
Select the document in Tree View and create new sketch plane on YZ-plane.
Create a circle as shown in following figure. You can set positions in rough because these will be adjusts in the restraint operation.
Match the center of the circle to the sketch plane origin with point-on-point constraint. After that, click at Tasks tab in Combo View to exit sketch editing mode.
Following figure shows the two sketches that has been created above steps.
Select Part workbench. In the workbench, Select Sweep
At first, select a cross-sectional shape (Sketch001) and click
to set the cross-sectional shape as sweep-target.Then click Ctrl key. Click to finish selecting.
and select a pathway of extruding in 3D View. If you want to select more than one line, select lines with pressingAfter selecting the pathway, check
at bottom left of the dialog and click on Sweep dialog to create a solid by sweeping.Any cross-sectional shape can be extruded along the curve with this sweep method. In following figure, a regular pentagon has been extruded along with a spiral that has been created with Creating primitives in Part workbench.
You can sweep while changing the cross-sectional shape (It is usualy called "Sweep Blend") by using multiple cross-sectional shapes.
If a pathway of extruding has branching, the pathway cannot be extruded one sweep operation. So sweep each pathway and connect the two solids by a boolean operation.