Cavity flow (mapping data to different mesh)

OpenFOAM 4.x

Case directory



To run this case, you need to run the case "cavity (cavity flow)" at first.

After running the case "cavity", the following command must be executed in the parent directory of "cavity" to create and run the case "cavityFine".

mkdir cavityFine
cd cavityFine
cp -r ../cavity/0 .
cp -r ../cavity/system .
cp -r ../cavity/constant .
sed -i -e s/"20 20 1"/"41 41 1"/g system/blockMeshDict
sed -i -e s/"\(startTime[ \t]*\) 0;"/"\1 0.5;"/g system/controlDict
sed -i -e s/"\(endTime[ \t]*\) 0.5;"/"\1 0.7;"/g system/controlDict
sed -i -e s/"\(deltaT[ \t]*\) 0.005;"/"\1 0.0025;"/g system/controlDict
sed -i -e s/"\(writeControl[ \t]*\) timeStep;"/"\1 runTime;"/g system/controlDict
sed -i -e s/"\(writeInterval[ \t]*\) 20;"/"\1 0.1;"/g system/controlDict

mapFields ../cavity -sourceTime latestTime -consistent

The the analysis steps are as follows.

  1. Calculate the flow up to 0.5 seconds in case "cavity".
  2. Map the calculation results as initial conditions for the fine-mesh case "cavityFine".
  3. Calculate the flow from 0.5 seconds to 0.7 seconds in case "cavityFine".
  4. Map the results as initial conditions for the case "cavityGrade" (this tutorial), which has a coarse and fine mesh.
  5. Calculate the flow from 0.5 seconds to 0.7 seconds in case "cavityGrade".

The boundary conditions are the same as case "cavity", as follows

Model geometry Model geometry

The meshes for "cavity", "cavityFine", and the case in this tutorial are shown below. They have a single mesh in the Z direction and will be calculated as a 2-dimensional problem.

cavity's mesh cavity's mesh
cavityFine's mesh cavityFine's mesh
The mesh in this tutorial The mesh in this tutorial

The calculation result of the case "cavityFine" will be mapped to the directory with mapFields, and be used as initial conditions.

The calculation result is as follows.

Flow velocity at 0.7 seconds (U) Flow velocity at 0.7 seconds (U)
Pressure at 0.7 seconds (p) Pressure at 0.7 seconds (p)


cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity/cavityGrade cavityGrade
cd cavityGrade

mapFields ../cavityFine -sourceTime latestTime -consistent


The calculated cavityFine directory is assumed to be in the same directory which cavityGrade exists in.

If the mapping source and destination have the same geometry and boundary conditions, specify the option -consistent when running mapFields.

Calculation time

--- *Single, Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz