We wll calculate the flow around a cone-shaped piston moving in a cylindrical tube. The calculation is performed using a simplified model in which a portion of the cylinder is cut out in a wedge shape as one layer mesh.
The region "left" is set to be open for fluid to flow in and out, the cylinder surface is set to no-slip wall condition, and the piston surface (region "movingWall") is set to have a fixed flow velocity (0, 0, 0). The piston moves from the region "left" to the region "fixedWall" at 1 m/s. The motion of the mesh is specified in the files constant/dynamicMeshDict and 0/pointMotionUx as follows.
dynamicFvMesh dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh; motionSolverLibs ( "libfvMotionSolvers.so" ); solver velocityComponentLaplacian; velocityComponentLaplacianCoeffs { component x; diffusivity directional (1 200 0); }File: constant/dynamicMeshDict
dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { movingWall { type uniformFixedValue; uniformValue constant 1; } farFieldMoving { type slip; } fixedWall { type uniformFixedValue; uniformValue constant 0; } left { type uniformFixedValue; uniformValue constant 0; } farField { type slip; } back { type wedge; } front { type wedge; } }File: 0/pointMotionUx
By including the file system/cuttingPlane in the file system/controlDict, the "value of the specified plane" at each time is output to the directory postProcessing/cuttingPlane.
The meshes are as follows.
The calculation result is as follows.