We calculate the flow around an elliptic column from 0 sec to 1 sec. We use the kkl-ω model for the turbulence model.
The fluid flows in from the region "inlet" at (3.1, 0, 0) m/s and out from the region "outlet". The upper and lower channel walls, region "up", are assumed to be symmetric, and the elliptic column surface, region "hole", is assumed to be a no-slip wall.
The meshes are as follows, and the number of mesh is 50000.
The calculation result is as follows.
The entire mesh is created by using mirrorMesh to make a mirror copy of the 1/4 model for the X and Y planes.
2 hours 52 minutes 57.9 seconds. *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz