We calculate the water flowing down the wall. Water flows in from the region "inlet" at the top of the wall and out from the region "outlet" at the bottom. The calculation is done using a liquid film model with a single-layer mesh.
The settings for the liquid film model is defined in the file "surfaceFilmProperties" in the directory "constant" as follows. Water inflow is specified as a boundary condition. So the liquid film thickness 0.003 m is defined in the file "deltaf" in the directory "0/wallFilmRegion", and the flow velocity (0, -0.075, 0) m/s is defined in the file "Uf".
surfaceFilmModel kinematicSingleLayer; regionName wallFilmRegion; active true; kinematicSingleLayerCoeffs { filmThermoModel constant; constantCoeffs { specie water; rho0 1000; mu0 1e-3; sigma0 0.07; } injectionModels (); turbulence laminar; laminarCoeffs { Cf 0.001; } forces ( contactAngle thermocapillary ); contactAngleCoeffs { Ccf 1; contactAngleDistribution { type normal; normalDistribution { minValue 50; maxValue 100; expectation 75; variance 100; } } zeroForcePatches (); } }
The meshes for the liquid film model is shown below. The number of mesh is 43200 and the number of mesh layers in the thickness direction is 1.
The calculation result is as follows.
After making the meshes for the wall with blockMesh, we use the utilities topoSet and extrudeToRegionMesh to extrude the wall meshes and make the meshes for the liquid film model.
12 hours 26 minutes 53.08 seconds *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz