Water droplets onto a floor surface

OpenFOAM 4.x
This tutorial may stop with error.

Case directory



We spray water droplets on the floor from the position of the sphere in the figure below.

Model geometry Model geometry

The properties of the discrete particles are defined in the file "reactingCloud1Properties" in the directory "constant". A liquid film model is used for the floor, and the liquid film settings are defined in the file "surfaceFilmProperties" in the directory "constant".

The meshes are as follows.

Mesh (entire) Mesh (entire)
Meshes (only liquid film model part) Meshes (only liquid film model part)

The calculation results are as follows. In settings, the calculation should be done up to the result after 1 second, but it terminated abnormally after outputting the result after 0.12 seconds.

Discrete particles and the liquid film thickness at 01. sec (deltaf) Discrete particles and the liquid film thickness at 01. sec (deltaf)


cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel splashPanel
cd splashPanel

cp -rf 0.orig 0

topoSet -dict system/wallFilmRegion.topoSet
extrudeToRegionMesh -overwrite

topoSet -region wallFilmRegion -dict system/createWallFilmRegionPatches.topoSet
createPatch -region wallFilmRegion -overwrite

paraFoam -touch
paraFoam -touch -region wallFilmRegion



Calculation time

--- *Single, Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz