We calculate the water flow in a shaking tank using the mesh movement function for 40 seconds. The volume of water is assumed to be about 20% of the tank, and the rest is air. The mesh in z-direction is set to one layer to calculate the problem as a two-dimensional.
The properties of the water and air are specified in the file "constant/transportProperties".
The movement of the mesh is specified in the file "constant/dynamicMeshDict" as follows.
dynamicFvMesh solidBodyMotionFvMesh; solidBodyMotionFvMeshCoeffs { solidBodyMotionFunction SDA; SDACoeffs { CofG (0 0 0); lamda 50; rollAmax 0.22654; rollAmin 0.10472; heaveA 3.79; swayA 2.34; Q 2; Tp 13.93; Tpn 11.93; dTi 0.059; dTp -0.001; } }
The following settings are made in the file "system/controlDict" to output the pressure "p" at the specified point and surface. The output data will be saved in the folder "postProcessing".
functions { probes { type probes; libs ("libsampling.so"); writeControl writeTime; probeLocations ( (0 9.95 19.77) (0 -9.95 19.77) ); fixedLocations false; fields ( p ); } wallPressure { type surfaces; libs ("libsampling.so"); writeControl writeTime; surfaceFormat raw; fields ( p ); interpolationScheme cellPoint; surfaces ( walls { type patch; patches (walls); triangulate false; } ); } }
The meshes are as follows, and the number of mesh is 1360.
The calculation result is as follows.
2 minutes 12.92 seconds *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz