We calculate the water flow in a shaking tank using the mesh movement function for 40 seconds. The volume of water is assumed to be about 20% of the tank, and the rest is air.
The properties of the water and air are specified in the file "constant/transportProperties".
The movement of the mesh is specified in the file "constant/dynamicMeshDict" as follows.
dynamicFvMesh solidBodyMotionFvMesh; solidBodyMotionFvMeshCoeffs { solidBodyMotionFunction tabulated6DoFMotion; tabulated6DoFMotionCoeffs { CofG (0 0 0); timeDataFileName "$FOAM_CASE/constant/6DoF.dat"; } }
The specified file "constant/6DoF.dat" contains the following values for 3 directions of translation and 3 directions of rotation up to 40 seconds, which define the motion.
100 ( (0 ((0 0 0) (0 0 0))) (0.40404 ((0.401298 0.952899 0.321827) (4.82741 2.79073 2.00649))) (0.808081 ((0.786273 1.8071 0.635266) (9.52899 5.3597 3.93137))) ………… (39.596 ((1.625 0.77368 -0.260102) (-3.90153 5.2878 8.12498))) (40 ((1.82589 1.65428 -0.575807) (-8.6371 2.70906 9.12945))) )
In addition, the following settings are made in the file "system/controlDict" to output the pressure "p" at the specified point and surface. The output data will be saved in the folder "postProcessing".
functions { probes { type probes; libs ("libsampling.so"); writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 1; probeLocations ( (0 9.95 19.77) (0 -9.95 19.77) ); fixedLocations false; fields ( p ); } }
The meshes are as follows, and the number of mesh is 25840.
The calculation result is as follows.
40 minutes 55.38 seconds *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz