We calculate the air blowing into a container that is 80% filled with water for 10 seconds. The container is assumed to have opened upper surface (region "outlet"), and the calculation is performed as a two-dimensional problem with a single mesh in the Z direction.
The location and conditions for air generation are set in the file "constant/fvOptions" as follows.
injector1 { timeStart 0.1; duration 5; selectionMode points; points ( (0.075 0.2 0.05) ); } options { massSource1 { type scalarSemiImplicitSource; scalarSemiImplicitSourceCoeffs { $injector1; volumeMode absolute; injectionRateSuSp { thermo:rho.air (1e-3 0); // kg/s } } } momentumSource1 { type vectorSemiImplicitSource; vectorSemiImplicitSourceCoeffs { $injector1; volumeMode absolute; injectionRateSuSp { U.air ((0 -1e-2 0) 0); // kg*m/s^2 } } } energySource1 { type scalarSemiImplicitSource; scalarSemiImplicitSourceCoeffs { $injector1; volumeMode absolute; injectionRateSuSp { e.air (500 0); // kg*m^2/s^3 } } } }
The physical properties of the air and water are set in the files "constant/phaseProperties", "constant/thermophysicalProperties.air", and "constant/thermophysicalProperties.water".
The meshes are as follows, and the number of mesh is 1875.
The calculation result is as follows.
1 minute 42.71 seconds *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz