In this tutorial, we will calculate a heat convection of a room that has a heater and a window facing open air.
The room has a a window facing open air of 0 °C. And there is a heater of 76.85 °C at the center of a room. We calculate a stationary state of this room and measure the temperatures at wall side and the window side.
Open XSim. Type "RoomWithHeater" as Project Name and click button to create project.
We will use prepared shape files in this tutorial. Please download a zipped file from next link, "", and extract it.
Drag&Drop the extracted file "Wall.stl", "Window.stl" and "Heater.stl" at "Drop files" tab and load it. The loaded shape will be shown in 3D view. You can switch the 3D display to semitransparent by clicking a display-mode buttonunder 3D view.
button to go to Mesh page.Set 50000 as target number of base meshes. You can preview the base mesh by clicking preview button.
Confirm that 0.3 is set to layer thickness ratio and 3 is set to number of layers. Click "Heater" in Navigation view at left side of the window to select, then click
button to go to Basic Settings page.In this section, we will set a type of analysis. Select "Steady" and set 5000 as end cycle. Then check the
.Buoyancy force is taken into account in heat analysis. Therefore a direction of gravity force should be set properly. When
is enabled, direction of gravity force will be shown in 3D view.Click
button to go to Physical Property page.In this section, we will set a type of fluid. Click Physical property library buttonto show dialog. Select "Air" in the dialog and click .
button to go to Initial Condition page.We will set initial temperature to get final solution as early as possible. Select "Temperature" as physical quantity and set 300 K as value. Then click
button to go to Flow Boundary Condition page.Select "Selected regions" as region and "Stationary wall" as type. Then select "Fixed temperature" as heat condition type and set 350 K as temperature. After that, select "Heater" on Navigation view and click
.Select "Selected regions" as region and "Stationary wall" as type. Then select "Fixed temperature" as heat condition type and set 273.15 K as temperature. After that, select "Window" on Navigation view and click
.Select "Selected regions" as region and "Stationary wall" as type. Then select "Adiabatic" as heat condition type. After that, select "Wall" on Navigation view and click
button to go to Calculation Settings page.In this section, we set parallel number of CPU core that we use in this calculation (for example, 4).
The calculation of natural convection tend to be instable, so we set relaxation factors for the velocity and pressure to a smaller value of 0.07 and 0.03, respectively, to ensure stable calculations.
button to go to Output page.Because this analysis is a steady analysis, select "Each specified cycles" as type and set 1000 cycles to interval.
Next, we will make the temperature sampling settings at the specified coordinates.
Select the "Sampling" tab, set "Temperature" as the physical quantity and (4.5, 2, 1.5) as the location, and press , you can check the sampling position on the 3D view.
With the similar operation, set the temperature at the position (0.5, 2, 1.5) as the sampling target.
button to go to Export page.Finally we finished all settings. Click
button to export the analysis setting as zipped OpenFOAM case directory "". The zip file download starts immediately.Extract downloaded file "". There is a bash-script "Allrun " in the case directory. So run the script to make mesh and start the OpenFOAM solver by following command.
If the machine that calculation is running has desktop environment and gunuplot was installed, residual convergence chart will be displayed.
Running in 4 parallel (Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19GHz), it takes 1 seconds to create a mesh and about 7 minutes to analyze.
After the calculation, execute a following command to visualize the mesh and the calculation result.
Mesh is following.
Distributions of Flow velocity and temperature are following.
The sampled temperatures are output at T file in postProcessing/probe(T)/0 folder as following.
# Force coefficients # Probe 0 (4.5 2 1.5) # Probe 1 (0.5 2 1.5) # Time 0 1 0 300 300 1 299.985 300.005 2 299.962 300.005 3 299.964 300.005 ………… 4998 287.864 287.883 4999 287.864 287.883 5000 287.864 287.882
The temperature at each sampling position in the final step 1000 is 291.77 K and 291.724 K. It indicates that there is almost no difference in temperature between the wall side and the window side.