What we will create?: Smartphone cover
A size of smartphone: 123.83×58.57×7.6 mm
A space between smartphone and case: 1 mm, case thickness: 1.2 mm
A radius of corner roundness: 11.6 mm
Note: These values are not based on an actual smartphone. If you want to create a smartphone case for REAL smartphone, tune-up the values for the smartphone.
Select | Pan | Zoom | Rotate |
or |
Note: FreeCAD has other modes like Inventor mode, Blender mode and touchpad mode. Please refer to "FreeCAD: Mouse operation setting".
Switch workbench to Part Design workbench.
create a new sketch plane and select XY-Plane in the dialog. Click
to create sketch plane.Select rectangle and select 2 points on sketch plane to create a rectangle. Right-click to finish creating the rectangle.
Select fillet and click 2 edges forming corner. Create a fillet at the four corners by repeating the same operation. Right-click to finish creating the fillet.
Select the arc and select radius constraint to set size of fillet 12.1 mm. Set all fillets to same size by repeating the same operation. Right-click to finish constraining the radius.
Select 2 points from upper edge and lower edge and select vertical distance constraint to set the length of the edge to 124.83 mm. Similarly, select 2 points from left edge and right edge and select horizontal distance constraint to set the length of the edge to 59.57 mm.
Select a point on the sketch and constrain it to the origin of sketch plane with coincident constraint. By this operation, the sketch will be fully contained and be displayed with green lines.
on Task tab to exit sketch edit.Select the created sketch in model tree and execute pad. On a dialog, set 7.6 mm as extrusion length and click
.Click a top face of the created shape and select thickness tool. On a dialog, set 1.2 mm as thickness and click